Pottering report of a bicycle in YUDANAKA&OBUSE. Vol.4

When I go into Obuse town, I will see more apple fields.  From the apple fields, a faint sweet smell drifts.  I want to take pictures of train of apple and Nagano Electric Railway. When I check the timetable, the train will arrive soon, so I will hurry to find the best position.  In spite of being in a hurry, I was satisfied that I could get the shots I wanted.

Ganshouin Temple in Obuse Town has a ceiling painting of "Happo nirami hououzu" painted by Hokusai Katsushika.  There is also a stage of A haiku poem by Issa Kobayashi's reads"やせ蛙(Yase Kaeru) 負けるな一茶(Makeruna Issa) ここにあり(Kokoniari)", and there is a tomb of Masanori Fukushima of the samurai behind. In the battle of Shizugatake as the Subordinate of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, it was called "the first of the seven spears" (the master of the spear) and also played an active part in "Battle of Sekigahara", Hiroshima Castle (498 thousand stone) Although it became the daimyo, it was moved to this Shinetsu district (45 thousand stone) in 1619 by the shogunate's intrigue.【Quote from the website of Ganshou-in Temple】
小布施町の岩松院は葛飾北斎が描いた「八方睨み鳳凰図」の天井画、小林一茶が「やせ蛙 負けるな一茶 ここにあり」と詠んだとされる蛙合戦の池があるが、裏手には、福島正則公の霊廟がある。豊臣秀吉の重臣として賤ケ岳(しずがたけ)の戦いでは「七本槍の第一」と称せられ、関ケ原の合戦でも勇名をはせ、広島城(49万8千石)の大大名になったが幕府の謀略により元和5年(1619)、この信越地方(4万5千石)に国替えさせられた。【岩松院のウェブサイトから引用】

Go from the museum 'Hokusaikan' to the alley extending north.  I have a lot of tourists today, so I get off the bicycle and walk.  The ground is made of chestnut trees in order to create the town likeness of Obuse Town, which promotes a beautiful development project (photo).  In the surroundings, the restaurant with terrace directs modern space.

Arrived at Obuse Station (altitude 353 meters).  Because it is a sightseeing station station, there are many taxis, and food stalls are open and it is lively.  There are about 10 bicycles for rent at the station (photo left).  Actually, I met a tourist who used this bicycle in the town.  Bicycle was borrowed free at Matsushiro Station of Yashiro line of Nagano Electric Railway, however at Obuse Station there are many tourists so it is rented for a fee.  Sure, Obuse Town is an affordable area to bicycle.

At Obuse Station, there is a railroad iron bridge across the Matsukawa River flowing between Suzaka City and Obuse Town.  In the middle of the Meiji period, it was made in the United Kingdom, and make a sale of the Kawato Electric Railway (Nagano Electric Railway at that time) in 1922 from the Railway ministry at that time.  This British trussed bridges was installed at this station after it was removed in 1990 as a precious industrial heritage that shows the history of the bridge.

In Obuse Town, there are chestnut fields in some places.  It was cultivated in the Muromachi period, the temperature change in the morning and evening was intense, good drainage alluvial fan was suitable for chestnut trees.  A chestnut trees along the way has already finished its role this year.

Cross over Chikumagawa River Obuse Bridge = total length 960.3 meters =.  Until the new Shin Nagano Ohashi (Olympic Ohashi) was built at the time of the Nagano Olympics, it was the longest bridge in Nagano Prefecture.   The north side of the roadway is a sidewalk, and it is also possible to run a bicycle.  When I stop in the middle of the bridge and Take a picture, a couple cyclists come running from Obuse Town.  It seems like I am enjoying Pottering like me.

Arrived at Toyono Station (altitude 335 meters).   Shinetsu main line and Iiyama line are entering Toyono Station.  Originally, Iiyama line starts from Toyono Station, however all trains are entering to Nagano Station.  It is a modern station building with a free passage in east and west at the station on the bridge now.  I made it to the goal and will go home by train.
※Currently, the Shinetsu main line is becoming a Shinano railway.

Yukata suits well in the hot spring town.  Even if it is late in the morning, there are people who are visiting a public bathhouse, and the sound of clogs "Zeta" ringing stone pavement is pleasant.  There are about 40 hotels in Shibu Onsen, however it is good to visiting a public bathhouse again after breakfast.  If you think about it, this bicycle course is downhill from the highest-altitude Onsen Temple to Toyono Station, and has little burden on the body.  There are a lot of sightseeing spots in Nakano City and Obuse town on the way, and it will be a more fulfilling course if found a delicious shop.
温泉街には浴衣姿が良く似合う。 朝遅い時間になっても外湯巡りをしている人たちがいて、石畳みを鳴らす下駄の音が心地よい響き心に沁みた。渋温泉には約40軒の宿があるが、朝食後にもう一度、外湯巡るのはなかなかいい作戦だ。考えてみれば、このコースは、最も標高の高い温泉寺から豊野駅まで終始下り基調の負担の少ない行程。 途中の中野や小布施には見所も多いので、歴史や美味しいものを味わうことに趣をおくと、より充実したプランになるのかもしれない。 

Pottering report of a bicycle in YUDANAKA&OBUSE.END

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Pottering report of a bicycle in Japan

I carry a bicycle by train, bus,airplane with me. This is called “Rinko” in Japanese. I would like to introduce various places in Japan starting from Matsumoto City while hanging around by bicycle.


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